In order to be able to import results for the AWP ranking, we need to receive the results and the participant list in a standard format.
Participant list
The participant list should contain all the participant who took part to the qualification in a simple CSV list. One file for open, one for women.
Race Results
The Result file should be formatted in CSV in the following way:
For both women and Open category:
- one file for finals
- one for semifinals (without finalist)
Format of the csv line: position; name surname; time in seconds;
Example Finals file:
1;mario rossi;102.45;
2;john smith;104,23;
Example Semifinals file:
16;robert part;122.23;
17;james ben;125.21;
One record for each competitor. Please make sure to use real name of the competitor and correctly spelled. A spelling mistake can make the import fail.